G-Dragon Filmed "Untitled" In Just 1 Hour?

BIG BANG's leader G-Dragon has recently made a comeback with his new solo album 'Kwon Ji Yong,' as a soloist and revealed some shocking news about his latest track "Untitled."

Instead of doing something flashy and over-the-top as usual, the artists and the MV director, Han Sa Min, went for a more simplistic approach in order to convey the melancholic feelings of this song. Director Han Sa Min also mentioned he wanted more close-ups of G-Dragon's facial expressions and gestures in order to attract viewer's attetion.

To our surprise, G-Dragon stated he was able to finish filming the MV within an hour after Han a Min stated, "There's no need to continue shooting. Although there are some sets prepared for tomorrow I don't find it necessary to film anymore," satisfied with the overall progress and filmed only 2-3 additional footages and wrapped up the set.

Believe it or not, many MVs take several hours and even days to film and shoot - especilly with larger groups. Since G-Dragon really provided his best image, the director was able to wrap things up smoothly and quickly without having to film the extra scenes and sets he mentioned.

See the magic for yourself in the MV below!

Big Bang

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