Fans Shockingly Demand Super Junior's Sungmin & Kangin Removal From Group

It has recently been announced that famous boy group Super Junior will be having a comeback, but it is not as anticipated as many would think.

Suddenly, fans are taking action in regards to the groups future - especially in regards to members Sungmin & Kangin. On June 10th a fan site by the name of 'Super Junior Gallery' on DC Inside released a petition titled 'Sungmin Out,' The folloing statement was released on the site;

"We as a Super Junior fan community have decided that Sungmin's independent actions and behavior towards the fans over the years will ultimately hurt the group and its image. As such, we believe it would be unfair and unjustified for him to stay active as a Super Junior member. We can no longer support nor encourage the behaviors of this member and will boycott his activities and events. We as fans respect the group's decision, this is simply our request and not by any means forcing anything. Super Junior gallery will continue to support the group in exception of Sungmin and Kangin."

While no official statements or actions have been made yet, fans are worrying how this may affect the group's future. Stay tuned for futher news.

Super Junior

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