What Insulting Comments Did Fuse TV Hosts Make About BTS & G-Friend That It Cancelled Their K-Pop Broadcast?

The hosts of Fuse TV's K-Pop podcast 'K-Stop' are sitting in some extremely boiling water after angering the wrong fandoms. During their September 13th podcast, hosts Jeff Benjamin, Tina Xu and Brooke Bunce made unsightly comments about BTS and G-Friend, from criticizing their looks to accusing them of being perverted, and it angered fans severely.

Being regarded as a "professional outlet," the three hosts had made listeners uncomfortable with their offensive commentary which ridiculed and mocked the groups, their concepts and even called out specific members. Read some of the shocking opinions down below;

"[Rap Monster] looked ridiculous [in the DNA music video]. He looked like he was 14. That hair is horrible. And then he did the weird movement where he was like 'duuuuuuhhhh' for like, two seconds, and then like, wiggled his fingers."

"I don't love songs that start with Jimin's voice. I'm sorry, it's like [imitates voice]. And they started like, at least like three tracks with his voice and I'm like 'enough'. I think it's the falsetto that kills me, it's like a breezy falsetto."

"I actually can't stand V's voice. I don't like his voice."

"[G-Friend is] releasing the same thing every comeback."

"Probably for pervy old men (in response to 'They're making the music they want to make.'). Little schoolgirls, up there, twirling. I mean, they were wearing like school girl-looking outfits, doing their little weird formations as usual."

Now, after hearing the podcast and the commentary being shared like wildfire, fans of the groups went to Twitter to voice their opinions (such as in the picture above) and took matters into their own hands. "Is that what you called K-stop radio show? Seems like 'let's diss k-pop as much as you want' show for me. Really disappointed", "That was incredibly unprofessional", "Do you still call yourselves critics and journalists? Are you not ashamed of that titles and the money you make with that mentality?" The backlash was so strong that the people at Fuse TV had decided to cancel the K-Pop podcast permanently.

Although one of the hosts decided to make an official apology and relay the news about their podcast coming to an end, fans were not impressed. While others felt the fandoms were being too sensitive, some stated, "If someone started mocking your favorite group or bias in that matter, something you care for, you'd be upset too..." Other fans even mentioned this not being the first time the show went over the edge and out of hand with their comments - some even being "borderline racist."

Fans also stated that the hosts seem to show no real sincerity with their apology since they posted tweets before their announcement that seemed to defend their side. What do you think of Fuse TV's messy situation? In the end, it seems fans are glad such a show centered around ridiculing opinions is off the air.


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