EXO's D.O & Chanyeol Become Emotional Discussing His Hardships On 'Party People'

During an episode of JYPs 'Party People' sensational boy group EXO, who are recently promoting "Power," took a break from their busy schedules to appear on the September 30th episode. However, it wasn't all laughs as things got heavy-hearted when D.O expressed his greatest struggle as an idol on the broadcast.

JYP initiated the conversation by asking the members what circumstances they have faced over the years as they have grown into their popularity. D.O sadly expressed his overwhelming feeling of being bothered by the public saying,"The fact that I can't walk down the street comfortably while I'm still in my 20's is really tough."

Despite enjoying the life as a celebrity and the time spent with fans, D.O continued to express the burden of it as well by further stating, "There were so many times where I just wanted to give up because of how tiring it was. But I just think of how happy I am to be in EXO, with these guys, and I can continue moving forward." Gong Yoo, one of Korea's top actors, shared a similar story earlier this year during his interview with CNN saying he too wished to walk the streets without being burdened by people and press.

Member Chanyeol also agreed with D.O on the hardships but transitioned the conversation to a more grateful attitude saying, “The fact that we’re receiving so much love and that many people are always thinking of us is something we’re incredibly grateful for. There have been some tough times but, if we think about it, those ultimately become our motivation to withstand anything that’s thrown at us.” Well said, Chanyeol! Don't forgt to watch their show performances down below!


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