Taeyeon Singing Adele's "When We Were Young" in Berlin

The public performance began with a pair of hands pressing the piano keys before moving to another set of shots until a full snap of Taeyeon was shown. The songstress was seen clad in casual clothes and a top bun, all the while seated in front of park-goers and a plethora of passers-by.

The song tells the lamentation of the first person to her former lover who left her a long time ago, and Taeyeon perfectly and poignantly performed it during the busking. She starts singing the lyrics affectingly until the bridge approached and she belted with ease.

The camera then pans to some members of the audience who were weeping over the singer's emotional rendition. Some were also spotted mouthing the word "wow" upon hearing Taeyeon effortlessly hitting the high notes. The viewers gave her a round of applause and cheers after her performance.

Taeyeon recently talked about participating in the JBTC program in her interview with High Cut magazine.

"I wanted to show my voice as it is. Since it's my first time busking, I expected difficulties and an environment with a lot of limitations. I approached it with the mindset of returning to my roots and starting from the basics. I have usually received a lot of help from the staff and stage equipment, but it was a really raw performance this time. I paid a lot of attention to the details," she revealed.

The singer was also asked about her relationship with her Girls' Generation members, given that they recently had a get-together to celebrate their 12th anniversary.

"August is a celebratory month for Girls' Generation. Since it has a member's birthday and is the month Girls' Generation made our debut, we're all busy since late July talking about what we're going to do. This time, we gathered together and chatted comfortably while eating the food we like," she said.

"I always feel as if the members are my life-long friends. There are times we get tired from work, but we provide each other with great comfort during those times," she added.

Taeyeon also revealed the changes in her from her debut days to how she is now.

"In the past, the concern of 'How will I be portrayed [to the public]?' always came first, but now I work hard to try to show myself and my color as it is. I'm going to keep doing music, and it's not like I'm going to stop after trying once, so I think that there are a lot of opportunities. I'll continue to do music that I can express well as Taeyeon and music that I want to share at each moment in time," she shared.

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