The disbandment of PRISTIN in May this year brought disappointment among their fans. This was why when four of the former members were announced to re-debut in a new group plus a non-PRISTIN member, HIGHs were on the edge of their seats, ecstatic to what this newly-formed group will bring.
As per the news, the quintet now goes with the name HINAPIA. While the people have mixed reactions to this name, it was crystal clear that they were in pure dismay upon seeing the promotional material for the band.
Al Seul Bit Entertainment released a calendar of schedules of Roa, Eunwoo, Rena, and Yuha, only to leave fans to call it subpar.
"Even I could design better than that (crying emoticon). They should've proofread. What a mess. It isn't even that legible," said a netizen.
"[Not going to lie], even a $100 commissioned work from Twitter would look better than this. They are clearly not investing much," another one commented.
Others went on and called the design "the worst design ever" and some referred to it as "it sucks."
As a matter of fact, the agency deleted the post shortly after due to the flak that it received, not to mention that this also concerned fans regarding HINAPIA's future and management if the agency has terrible promotional materials like this.
"Hello, this is Al Seul Bit Entertainment. The release plan posted today at 12 AM has been deleted without notice for further reviewing and editing. We'll have it back up in no time. We apologize for the confusion. Also, we will strive to become a better agency. Thank you," tweeted the agency.
Then, one prospective HINAPIA fans stepped up and did a design of her own. The netizen posted his or her own version of HINAPIA's promotional material, now with new and thinner fonts. Other netizens continued to express their dismay towards this mess.
HINAPIA is slated to make its official debut on November 3. Al Seul Bit Entertainment released a statement regarding their showcase, consisting of the four ex-PRISTIN members and a mystery female idol.
"HINAPIA is a 5 member group consisting of Minkyung, Kyungwon, Yebin, Eunwoo, and the last member who has not been revealed yet. You will be able to see HINAPIA's unique performance that's overflowing with character, as well as their girl crush charm," the agency stated
PRISTIN was a ten-member group under Pledis Entertainment. The group dissolved after a sabbatical.