FAMEUS Release New Visual Album Medley + Appearance on Naver NOW

Yesterday, San E release a new album alongside newer artists under his label FAMEUS. The visual album medley is a unique approach that allows fans to not only listen to the new tracks off the album but experience the rappers charismatic styles and visual appeal.

(Photo :FameUs.)

(Photo : .FameUs)

The 'FameUS' compilation album features seven vibrant tracks, each projecting the rapper's personal personas and message in every lyric. The video covers all grounds and starts off with our beloved and familiar rapper San E opening with "Made in Foreign." The other tracks featured on the album are "Eternal," "Puppy Love," "Ethics Teacher," "How You Feeling," "Fiesta," and "Tour Bus." Don't just read abot it - click and watch the masterpiece down below!

After the release, their video received great support from fans with some saying their comeback was long awaited while international fans were expressing how unexpected this album release was!

What do you think of their new release and San E's comeback? Interested in seeing a full review of each track? Click the link here and don't forget to watch San E's video more than once and check out their Naver NOW appearance here.

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