EXO-L ACE Donated To A Youth Sex Center To Shame Chen + Find Out What Happened

Fans of EXO Chen Criticized an Anti-Cafe of the Idol For Donating in a Foundation Using Pre-Marital Pregancy as Reason
Fans of EXO Chen Criticized an Anti-Cafe of the Idol For Donating in a Foundation Using Pre-Marital Pregancy as Reason Twitter

Fans and supporters of EXO's Chen were not happy after an Alliance of EXO-L ACE demanding the idol's withdrawal from the group donated to a foundation. The group used Chen's name and apparently did it to shade the idol for engaging in pre-marital pregnancy.

Donating and sharing to an organization is worth-praising and is indeed applaudable; however, doing it with ill-intention to shame others is what Chen's fans are enraged with.

On the 21st, a group of antis called "EXO-L ACE Alliance to Support Chen's Withdrawal" which is active on Twitter under the username @EXOLACECAFE, posted on their social media account, uploading two photos concerning the donation that they have sent for an organization, "Youth Sex Center" which aims to educate youth and individual about safe sex as well as to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

According to the antis, "We have donated a small amount of money in the name of our organization." When the organization asked them to state their reason for donating, the café answered, "On the 13th of January, a member of an idol group announced that he's having a child before marriage."

"Due to this, there has been a lot of individuals who are in confusion that if you got pregnant, it's okay as long as you're responsible. Idols have a public image that influences the fans the most; thus, we want to educate them more about premarital pregnancy."

The fan club also hoped that through their donations, there would be a lot of teenagers who will look at the correct sexual values rather than being swept away due to the various gender role and issues inflicted by social media. In conclusion, the cafe advocates to prevent pre-marital pregnancy as well as educate youth about birth control.

However, the foundation's aim doesn't fall in line with the café's reason, and replied, "The purpose of the organization is to educate people about sex education, promoting a healthy sexual relationship and to prevent unwanted pregnancy," saying as well that they can't educate about pre-marital pregnancy.

Nevertheless, the anti-café agreed, and the foundation initially accepted the donation. Shortly after, the café posted again through their SNS account, confirming that the foundation refunded their donation. The reason that was laid upon by the anti-Chen alliance is that the idol's supporters bombarded the foundation with complaints regarding the acceptance of the donation, leading them to give the money back.

Also, EXO-L ACE Café explained as well through the post that they only have good intentions for giving out the money to an organization.

But according to a fan who talked with the foundation, their inconsistent reason for donation is one of the causes, not matching the mission of the org.

On the other hand, despite the controversy and anti-fans who are trying to bring EXO's Chen down, his passion and good deeds were passed on to his true fans, as on the 23rd, Kim Jongdae Bar, donated a scholarship worth of 3 Million Won to support the expenses of eight economically-challenged families who are supporting their child's education to celebrate the 8th Anniversary of the group on the 8th. Fans are claiming that this is what real donation looks like.

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