They're the biggest name in music right now - BTS. The band single-handily brought a new kind of sound, K-Pop, into the mainstream along with hordes of fans. With each new album release and public appearance, they grab headlines and rule over the hearts of idol fans everywhere.
They make people want to see them perform live, but that may not be easy for most people. There is one big question fans must answer before they can see their next show: how much do BTS tickets cost? With names as big as this band, their tickets won't come cheap.
If people want to see them live, they should also budget for more than just tickets. They should think about where they want to sit in the area, and how much they want to spend on souvenirs. You can't go to a concert without taking home a t-shirt of your favorite band, after all.
Keep reading below to learn how much it costs to see BTS live, and how to budget enough money to go to their next performance.
Big Names Come With Big Prices
Right now, K-Pop is on any music fan's mind and there is one band at the forefront of the genre: BTS. As a headliner for the whole genre, expect to pay headliner prices for any show.
Some tickets for their most recent U.S. performance cost more than $250, and that's just the cost to get into the door. It doesn't include the cost of traveling to the venue, anything bought while there, or the cost of getting back home. You can expect a BTS show can take hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars out of your bank account.
Expect To Spend More Than The Ticket Price
Buying the ticket is just the start of the costs associated with seeing a band as big as BTS. You also need to budget for how much it costs to travel to their venue and the costs associated with any kind of trip. Whether it's meals along the way or a road stop for fun - it all needs to be accounted for in the overall cost.
The best way to do that is to use a budgeting app on your phone. That way you will always know how much you have to spend, and how much you have on hand. And if you need more money, you have access to online approval services for loans.
Budget for More Than The Show - Budget for Fun
There's a difference between budgeting to see a BTS show and budgeting to have fun at one of their shows. If you just go to listen to their music while sitting in your seat, you may not get the full experience out of their show. The true fun comes from buying t-shirts, props, enjoying food, and partying with friends.
All of that costs money, and the overall bill may end up being more than the price of the tickets. However, you'll be able to enjoy one of the most popular bands ever during the prime of their fame. And that's worth every penny.
How Much do BTS Tickets Cost? A lot.
BTS is a big band, so it's understandable to wonder, "how much do BTS tickets cost?" Prices fluctuate between vendors, and there's more to watching a BTS show than just the cost of a ticket. Keep reading here, and you'll get a better understanding of how much their shows can cost, and how to make the most out of them!