A post on an online community website earned an influx of responses after a non-fan posted the question: "What do you think is EXO's strength compared to other groups? I'm curious about the reason why they are longstanding."
As of today, June 8, the post has almost 400 likes and over 200 comments. Find out what fans and non-fans had to say about this topic by further reading below.
1) Their Relationship with EXO-Ls
Whenever Eris thinks about their relationship with their favorite boys, they always get emotional since some of them started becoming a fan when they were younger. They literally grew up and aged with EXO. Many of the fans commented about the importance of how they can feel the members' sincerity towards them at every opportunity.

EXO also makes their fans know how much they love and appreciate their existence, may it be during concerts, or even after playing online games with them, they will say, "Thank you for playing with me. I love you." One fan said that EXO and EXO-Ls have a "two-way love," or a two-way relationship, where both sides are mindful and care for each other. EXO has put up with a lot of malicious comments but decided to ignore them so as not to worry about their fans.

They express their love and appreciation by saying that they are doing well these days and that Eris can buy just one album and a padded coat with the leftover money they saved in preparation for EXO's comeback. Even if you're not a fan, you can admit that such warm and caring words make your heart tingle.
2) Visual Group
Of course, the majority of veteran EXO-Ls confess that the reason they began stanning EXO, in the beginning, was because of their clear and stunning visuals. It is known that EXO was a group that contained no "visual holes" during their debut.
Until today, it is a topic that has yet to rest. Their visuals and charisma make people stan them since they have such beauty that can be considered "high class" - their overall vibe as a group is high class!

3) Their Sense of Humor
Even if you aren't a fan or have yet to begin stanning them, you've got to admit that their sense of humor is out of this world. One comment claimed they were a fan of a different group, but they still find EXO to be very funny and entertaining to watch. It's pretty evident with how many compilation videos there are of them, just their subtle facial expressions when they are on variety shows can make you laugh until your stomach hurts. What more their live broadcasts where they are communicating with EXO-Ls?

4) Passion in Their Eyes
Among the baseless rumors defaming comments made targeting EXO not once did EXO-Ls read that "their eyes have become soulless" or that they have lost their initial passion for performing on stage. In fact, Eris is proud of them for finding ways to improve themselves musically as a group and as an individual. The members who are in charge of vocals are still taking lessons to enhance their skills. They also help their fellow members whenever they can, and the vocal team teaches the dance team about singing and vice versa.

5) Their Honesty
Last but definitely not least, the most admirable thing about them is their honesty. One fan pointed out when Baekhyun mentioned how he is no longer afraid or ashamed to show his ruined image to their fans. The EXO then continued to say in their comment how the idol's statement stunned them. It made them realize how stable and strong EXO's relationship and trust is with Eris.