Anti-Fans and Haters are not backing out with their initial plan! Due to this, EXO-Ls and supporters of the EXO member, Chen, expressed their anger and disappointment through social media platforms, calling out SM entertainment then to protect Chen from malicious comments.
On July 4, #SMPROTECTCHEN trends in Twitter real-time searches as EXO-Ls were shocked to know that the anti-fans, hiding behind the Twitter account '@/EXOLACECAFE' already reached 75 percent of their fundraising quota, intended to reach out national newspapers to call out Chen's withdrawal from the group.
EXO-L Ace Cafe has already reached 75% of 3M Won for their newspaper advertisement goal but still SM Entertainment is taking no action to protect his artist. We ( EXO-L ) demand SM Entertainment to take proper action against these antis. @SMTOWNGLOBAL#SMProtectCHEN @weareoneEXO — NAD (@vinad_o) July 4, 2020
On the recent post of the anti-fan account, they uploaded a graph sharing the progress of their fundraising and added the caption, "75 percent of the newspaper fundraising for Chen's withdrawal is complete. Please join us with the remaining 25 percent. Thank you as always." According to the initial plan of the café, they are planning to raise 3 Million Won, or approximately 2500 US Dollars, for them to contact one of the major media companies to support the drive to oust Chen from EXO.
"The most powerful means is the newspaper," according to the team, leading them to plan on publishing advertisements about Chen, containing their third statement and a short message of support for the idol's withdrawal from the K-pop group.

As EXO-Ls found out about the antis' agenda, the supporters of EXO and Chen are perplexed that SM Entertainment is still remaining silent despite the extreme defamation Chen could experience if the advertisement will be published. In addition to this, according to fans, the male idol won't be the only one who could suffer to this but as well as his EXO co-members and his family; that's why it is time for SM to move and do something about it.
️ERIS️ Please take note: Exol ace cafe has reached 75% of their donations to publish newspaper articles asking Chen to leave @weareoneEXO Here's a thread of what to do. Add what else you think can help. pic.twitter.com/YzvvzEgsMb — Loey whipped (EXOEDITS) (@Exo_L_dasomah) July 4, 2020
Furthermore, fans are also urged to mass contact the Korean newspaper and media companies, to ask them not to allow anti-fans to use them as a tool to spread hate.
Also, as fans use hashtags in various social media platforms to call SM Entertainment attention, EXO-ls are planning to mass-email SM Entertainment's 'Contact Us' Page to ask for protection for Chen.

Meanwhile, an EXO-L team in Twitter, 'EXO Protection Squad,' organized a fundraising drive as well, intended to show their support to Chen as a member of EXO.
The group's main goal is to emphasize that 'EXO is NINE' and it will remain as is, through social media ads in Instagram and YouTube, subway and media wall advertisements in Korea, and an LED vehicle. The group also aims to show the true fans' power and support to the K-pop idol group and to Chen, which will dominate over the hate EXOLACECAFE is currently showing.
Hello Eris, we're here to ask for your support in this HUGE project we were planning.
We need to emphasize that EXO IS NINE and always will be. We need to move faster than antis. ️
Donate: https://t.co/13g0nqF1Ew
Check out the banner bellow for infos pic.twitter.com/SfT5aKpdra — EXO Protection Squad (@EXOPROTECTSQD) June 17, 2020
On the other hand, it is over five months since the anti-café started the demand for Chen's withdrawal from EXO. Prior to the current plan of exposing Chen in the National newspaper, they also did protests before, which including the anti-fans gathering in front of SM building with destroyed Chen's merchandises, sending bus project to the idol's hometown and donating to a sex education program to humiliate the idol for premarital pregnancy, despite being an idol who is a role model. According to the anti-fans, this is destroying the reputation of the EXO, which is why he deserves to withdraw from the group.
Currently, SM Entertainment is yet to make its official statement regarding this issue.