Amazon Best Sellers Rank Explained

Amazon Best Sellers Rank Explained
Amazon Best Sellers Rank Explained

Amazon sales rank is a metric that shows you the connection among products within a specific category, and it's based on the product's sales performance. Amazon best sellers rank or BSR will tell you how well a particular product sells within a specific category, relative to the other items.

Products with BSR #1 obtain the highest sales volume. If your product has a BSR #25, it means that 24 other products obtain a higher sales volume than yours. Items sell in multiple categories simultaneously, and each category or sub-category will generate a different best sellers rank for your product.

How is the Amazon sales rank calculated?

It's not completely clear how Amazon calculates the sales rank for products, but some theories are surrounding the method. It's pretty apparent that sales volume is taken into account, and it has a major impact on a product's BSR, while other factors like the number of reviews, retail price, etc. don't seem to be relevant. We advise you to calculate BSR using IO Scout BSR calculator this tool is completely free.

There are many speculations about the time frame taken into account for the best sellers rank on Amazon. Many people believe that sales in the last 12 hours are counted, while others consider it's the 24h frame. We believe that the time frame is more extensive. If it were a 24 hour period, all products that weren't bought in the last 24 hours would have the corresponding sales rank. If some product doesn't obtain any purchases, then the BSR would fall systematically over the course of many weeks. Because this isn't the case, we figured out that Amazon takes a considerably prolonged purchase history for the Amazon best seller ranking.

It's still unknown what kind of power earlier purchases have in the calculation or what impact a purchase has on the sales rank as time passes. But it's quite certain that recent purchases have a more significant impact than the old ones. This means that a sale made a few days ago has less impact on Amazon BSR than the sale that was made minutes ago.

Amazon has combined the sales of every item and weighed them correspondingly by how newly they were made within the last count period. Amazon examines these values and classes all goods within a category in decreasing order. Therefore, the BSR parallels to the sales rank.

Why does the Amazon best sellers rank fluctuate?

It's often hard to explain significant changes in Amazon's BSR, especially those that change drastically within a day or two. Keep on your mind that the BSR isn't updated in real-time, it's updated hourly, and items ranking between 10,000 and 100,000 in the best sellers list are re-calculated every day. All products that have BSR above the 100,000 are re-calculated monthly. This practically means that one extra sale of your item might not immediately affect development in the BSR within a specific category.

Still, one sale can have a major impact on your product's BSR. Many sellers wonder how their product got from #100,000 to the #10,000 in just one day. Products with the BSR #100,000 mostly are sold once every few days, and even only one extra sale can have a significant influence on that product's BSR. If merchandise doesn't obtain any purchases in the ensuing days, then the ranking will start to decrease slowly.

In the picture below, you can see the development of the product's BSR on Amazon. On the first day, this product obtained six sales, and then no one purchased this product in the next few days. The product's best sellers rank falls drastically than it then decreases off more slowly.

How to use the BSR in your leverage?

The product's best sellers rank on Amazon can be used for several purposes, and it isn't important only for sellers.

Discover products with high demand

If you consider the product's BSR when you're picking new products to list on amazon, you avoid investing in items that don't have a high demand or are slow sellers. When you're looking for new profitable products to sell on Amazon, one of the main questions is whether the product can generate enough demand and obtain enough sales. The product's BSR is one of the great ways to determine the demand for a specific product. The better the BSR one product has, the more sales it will obtain on this platform. If you are a newbie in this business, look for products with a sales rank lower than 5,000 or even 2,000.

Competition benchmarking

Even Amazon sellers who are seasonal can get crucial information by looking at the best selling list. Above all, rival monitoring and comparison with the strongest competitors are located here at the forefront. If you notice that products similar to yours have a higher ranking, you will know you can take some actions and improve your product's BSR. You should always check the BSR of your products but also of the products from your competitors. By doing this, you will get a conclusion on how to optimize your own Amazon listing.

How to improve your BSR?

  • Obtain more sales

  • Optimize your listings to gain a higher visibility

  • Optimize PPC campaigns regularly

  • Enhance your keyword rankings with Amazon SEO

IO Scout has a set of tools that will ultimately maximize your selling potential. Among those tools, you will find the Listing Builder that will help you create high-ranking listings to gain higher visibility, increase the sales volume, and improve your product's BSR. Discover keywords that are in demand on Amazon with the Keyword Scout feature. Bookmark all your keywords and use them in Amazon Listing Builder to target the right audience, obtain more sales, and develop your product's BSR.

IO Scout gives a free Amazon Sales Estimator on its web page, found in the product section. This free feature from IO Scout is Amazon best sellers rank calculator, and it will help you determine monthly sales in a specific category based on the items' BSR. When you calculate the number of sales for a singular product, you will be able to figure out how many sales you need to get to attain the desired BSR.

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