Taeyong's Secret Nickname Among NCT Members Reveals His Hidden Side

NCT's leader Taeyong recently opened up about the surprising challenges he faces in his role as a leader. In an interview on Jo Hyun Ah's YouTube show, he discussed his solo debut with the mini-album SHALALA and the difficulties he encounters within NCT.

You can watch the full video here!

Taeyong received praise from Jo Hyun Ah, a member of the Korean R&B group Urban Zakapa, for his successful solo debut. Jo Hyun Ah shared that she herself hadn't released a full album due to lacking confidence in handling the pressures that come with such a significant project.

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Jo Hyun Ah's honesty encouraged Taeyong to discuss his own leadership challenges. He mentioned that being the leader of NCT can be challenging at times because of his naturally cute personality, which is a characteristic he inherited from both sides of his family.

Taeyong as NCT Leader

Taeyong expressed that he feels it is his responsibi8jn lity as the leader to display strength and maintain a specific image among the other members. However, he also wishes he could show them his sweet and playful side.

The demands of leadership sometimes prevent him from fully expressing himself in this way.

Taeyong humorously added that instead of being called cute, the other members often refer to him as "weird" due to his "all-or-nothing personality." Jo Hyun Ah understood Taeyong's predicament and acknowledged that the other NCT members might find it difficult to see their leader as "cute."

You can check the video clip here.

Taeyong Forges Ahead

Encouraging Taeyong to embrace and be proud of his true self, Jo Hyun Ah assured him that having an "all-or-nothing" attitude is a trait of a genuine artist.

Through Taeyong's candid admission of the difficulties he faces as a leader, fans gain insight into the complex dynamics within NCT. It highlights the internal conflicts that K-pop executives often encounter as they navigate between maintaining their group's image and staying true to themselves.

With the release of his solo mini-album, Taeyong will continue to grow personally as an artist, further solidifying his leadership position within NCT. Knowing that he is unashamed to

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KpopStarz own this article.

Written by Madison Cullen


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