KINGDOM returns with their new mini-album, History Of Kingdom : Part Ⅶ. JAHAN.
This release acts as the finale to their season 1 of the Kingdom series, which tells the stories of the seven kingdoms which are represented by each of the members.

This album aims to show their more musically powerful side in contrast to their last release, History of Kingdom : PartⅥ. Mujin, which highlighted more oriental sounds.
As with their previous releases, this mini-album dives into a member's "kingdom."
This time, it is Jahan's kingdom, the Kingdom of the Sun. The album includes seven new songs, which are "INTRO : APOCALYPSE (終末)," their title track "쿠데타 (COUP D'ETAT)," which is a dance genre song, "LOVE SONG," "X-GAME," "ON MY WAY," "SANDCASTLE," and an instrumental of "쿠데타 (COUP D'ETAT)."