THIS Hilarious 1st-Gen K-pop Stage Resurfaces for Overly Explicit Intro: 'I almost spit my drink'

The iconic "Chivalry" stage from first-gen K-pop group Sechs Kies has been dug again by netizens in an online thread.

Here's what happened.

Sechs Kies Eun Jiwon's Explicit Intro in 'Chivalry' Performance Hilariously Recalled by K-Netz, International Fans

On December 8, netizens gathered in an online discussion, where they recalled Sechs Kies' stage performance of "Chivalry."

International fans also reacted to the video. They joked about the intro's explicit Intro's contrast to the song's title "Chivalry," as well as Jiwon's randomness! Read their comments here:

  • "The vocals were so good live, but they had to say that intro lmao."
  • "I still wonder if the members knew what they were saying. There was nothing chivalrous about that intro lol."
  • I remember that Eun Jiwon studied abroad so he knows English. Bruh, that intro."
  • "Young Eun Jiwon was crazy."
  • "Alright, this is funny though."

Meanwhile, others laid out their theories as to why Jiwon said what he said in the performance.

  • "I don't know if this was accurate, but I read from years ago that when they returned, he did it because he was being rebellious to their agency. It was never confirmed, though."
  • "I thought people said that he did to prove they were actually singing live. There's a lot of theories around it."
  • "They did different intros like that to prove that they were singing live, but this specific one was him being an edge-lord."
  • "Jiwon said in an interview that he did it so they could get banned since they needed a break. I don't know where the lip-sync story came from."

What are your thoughts on the online thread? Did the explicit introduction shock you too? Let us know in the comments below!

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Written by Riely Miller
Sechs kies

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