The internet was filled with circulating rumors speculating that around 200 K-pop male idols were allegedly involved in the "New Nth Room." In response, fans were divided in their own takes regarding the unconfirmed rumors.
Earlier on August 28, SM Entertainment released an official statement announcing Taeil's removal from NCT due to a reported sexual offense. Many voiced out their anger towards the idol, causing a slew of online posts, threads, and reactions online.
However, amid the chaos, a mixture of facts and sentiments transpired among netizens. Some netizens claimed that Taeil is just one of the alleged 200 male idols involved in the "New Nth Room," creating a ruckus among fans.
taeil has additionally been accused of sexually assaulting an 11 year old who is now permanently disabled due to the assault, also been accused of being in an nth room (a telegram chat room which shares child porn, sa ect.) I feel sick to my stomach.
wtf do you mean that 200 kpop idols are involved in nth telegram groups ‘cuz if i see my faves are in there i fucking swear i’m deleting this acc and i would never ever trusting anyone in kpop anymore.
sasaeng, it's your job now! so you're telling me that NTH Room is a groupchat where over 200 idols involved in SA, gr*pe, and m*lested women...
But the sentiments caused some facts to get entangled, as the claims were being confused with the new deepfake sex crime in South Korea.
The "New Nth Room" consists of various Telegram chat rooms containing Korean men and students sharing exploitative and humiliating videos of women, family members, and female students.
On Telegram, Korean men & boys are taking sexual pics/videos of their little sisters, friends, and their moms, some showing graphic sexual abuse. On ONE channel alone there were over 200k members.
The assumption of Taeil being involved in the ongoing "New Nth Room" was mistakenly connected to details regarding the original "Nth Room" case in 2020.
The "Nth Room" case was a horrible incident involving group chats that contained Korean men, professors, athletes, and public figures who partook in the exploitation of underage girls and women. On social media, here's how netizens reacted to the mix-up:
Kpop stans spreading misinfo about the nth room about 200 idols, what's your source? Some of yall don't even care about the real issue, you just want gossip & make "what if" tweets ? You see SK mentioned, & your first thought is idols, which is not normal.
I hate kpop tiktok so much cause who the fuck made up the rumor of the recent nth room case having 200 kpop idols and the list coming out tomorrow?????????? Literally every 3 scrolls and someone is talking about it
they liked my reply about not spreading misinformation yet the tweet is still up. there is no 200 idols and the perpetrators of the nth room were arrested. these are new chatrooms that are doing despicable things. there is no list, i assume this rumor came from a ‘list’ from 2019
News about 200+ celebrities involved in nth room is from 2019. It included professors, politicians, actors, athletes and idols. So stop spreading fake lists with no source to use it as your gotcha moment to cancel the idols you hate. instead help sk women in reporting YT channels
Nth room incident actually happened 5 years ago and there was no such list. Even now there are no 200 or 20 idol lists...don't believe unauthenticated news from TikTok. They are just doing this to get likes and views +++
Can you all CALM DOWN? Idk where the info about 200 celebrities and some of them being idols who are in the chat rooms came from, but this is OLD news and has nothing to do with the current telegram chats. STOP spreading misinformation until official statement comes out
the nth room list of the 200 k-pop idols were the women involved and that were victims of AI and deepfakes being displayed in the chat rooms and even if there was a list of the men involved they’re never going to release it remember this has been an ongoing thing for years now