Rain, Changes from Assistant to Entertainment Soldier

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Rain, who is currently in the army, is planning to switch from regular assistant to entertainment soldier.

Rain has been working as an assistant after being trained last October, but when spots were emptied in the entertainment soldier positions, Rain requested to switch to that position. A worker of the Defense Department said, "Whenever there are empty spots in entertainment soldier positions, we advertise it and accept applications. Rain saw the advertisement and requested for the position. It is a spot open only for volunteers. If an individual does not want it, we do not force anyone to take the position."

On the 23rd, Rain will be interviewed for the position, and there seems to be no upcoming problems in getting the position. When results come out on the 24th, Rain will probably move positions.

Rain will be discharged from the army next July 10th, when he finishes his 21-month.

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