Se7en "I like Both SNSD and 2NE1, But Not As a Girlfriend"

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Se7en confessed he has never been attracted by idol girl group members for relationship.

Se7en appeared on 'Park Myung Soo's Moving TV' sharing his talks and also showing quick performances. Especially, with 'Jojo Dance' and 'Fire Dance', he entertained his fans for 120 minutes.

To a question 'Ever attracted by female idol?", Se7en answered "not as a girlfriend". Park asked "Which do you like better SNSD or 2NE1?", Se7en showed his sense of humor by answering "I like them both".

When he answered 'yes' with no hesitation to questions "Singer in next life?", and "YG than JYP?", showed his strong passion towards singing career and friendship with YG.

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