Eunhyuk-Shindong-Kyuhyun, Picture In Arc de Triomphe of Paris!

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Super Junior's Eunhyuk, Shindong, and Kyuhyun revealed a memorable picture in Paris, France.

On April 9, Eunhyuk posted on his twitter, "Picture in front of Arc de Triomphe of Paris after birthday/dinner after SS4 in Paris! Only the people who took the picture know why we suddenly got off the car to take a picture." Eunhyuk, Shindong, and Kyuhyun is standing in the dark in front of Arc de Triomphe, holding their arms up and making silly faces. They still seem to be excited from the concert.

Fans who saw the picture commented, "Maybe they made a bet among the members and those three lost?", "Silly face and pose, so cute," "I wonder how their Paris concert went," and "I want to see them in Korea!"

Photo: Eunhyuk Twitter

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