Huh Gong &Huh Gak's Funny Stories of Being a Twin

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Huh Gak and Huh Gong shared special experiences that were only possible because they are twin brothers.

On Mary 7 broadcast of MBC 'Come to Play,’ featured the twin brothers on the 'Singing Twins Special.’

On this day, Huh Gong opened up sharing, "I didn't want to act like Huh Gak but people made me. One day I went to a restaurant and the owner asked me 'Please give me Huh Gak's signature.’ I didn't even know his signature so I just scribbled something. However, when I signed it, they gave me food for free.”

He added "after, I secretly watched Huh Gak's signature at home and practiced it. When I went to a cafe, the owner also asked for a signature. I got free coffee with my skilled copy of his signature.”

Huh Gak finished off this funny story with, "One day I was surprised to see my signature in a store that I'd never been to.”

Photo: MBC

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