IU Reveals The Gifts Sent By Her Fans For Her Birthday

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IU showed off her birthday gifts.

On May 16 IU posted on her Twitter, "Wow thank you all the fans. They told me it was displayed like this at my agency.”

In the photo are 500kg and 200kg of rice delivered by her fans. IU already showed off the gifts she received from her fans through her official fan cafe on May 13. She posted, "Wow so many gifts. It took me an hour with my sister just to open everything. My puppy seems like the most excited one. Thank you guys. I need to pay you guys back somehow... It's not even my birthday yet, but I feel like it's my birthday. Thank you, I will pay you back somehow," along with set of photos.

The photos show the gifts that IU fans have sent to her. She wrote in a speech bubble for her dog saying, "I'm happy," making the viewer’s laugh. It was reported that the rice will be donated to low income families, making the birthday gift even more meaningful.

Internet users who saw the photos commented, "Ah it's IU's birthday," "When are you going to eat all that rice?", "Happy birthday!"
Photo: IU Twitter & Official Fan Cafe

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