Soldier Rain, 'Cute Self-Camera' He Left During Vacation... Are You Sure He's 30?

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Soldier Rain's self-camera from when he was on vacation is catching much attention.

Earlier this month, Rainy Entertainment twitter posted, "A surprise gift from Rainy to all of you... How is it? Feel great? ^^ Just for you", along with Rain's self-camera photos.

The picture is from when Rain was organizing his closet during his vacation, where he's wearing thick glasses with a cap. He made cute poses such as pouting or smiling widely, making it hard to believe that he's 31 years old.

Fans who saw this commented, "Cute self-camera of an 82", "Is this really from his vacation? That's crazy", and "I think he got younger after he went to the army."

Photo: Rainy Entertainment

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