Wonder Girls Yubin, Shocking Lingerie Look!

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Girl group Wonder Girls member Yubin revealed her sexiness through a lingerie look.

In the July edition of fashion magazine Nylon, Yubin revealed a sexy image through a photo shoot. She showed off her body line by wearing black lingerie with a see-through shirt on top. In another image she wears a boxy cardigan on top of her bra.

During the interview for the photo shoot, Yubin said, "I've been doing pilates at least 5 times a week. At night, I bike around the beach."

When asked about her ideal boy type, she said, "I want someone that I can exercise with and talk with. Whenever I meet up with my friends we talk about meeting guys. I want to date now," showing her honest feelings.

Yubin's photo shoot can be seen in the July edition of Nylon.

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