Gay Marriage States Map: Colorada Ban On Same Sex Marriage To Receive Ruling From Fed Judge Today; Overturned Or Sent To Supreme Court

Gay Marriage States Map: A federal judge in Denver, CO is expected to rule today on whether the state’s same-sex marriage ban should be overturned or sent to the Supreme Court, the Associated Press reports.

U.S. Disrict Judge Raymond P. Moore’s decision today will be in response to a lawsuit by six same-sex couples who desires to have an injunction to have the state’s ban on gay marriage as unconstitutional.

The federal judge has earlier said that the injunction maybe granted, the concern though is whether to put it on hold.

John Suthers, Colorado’s attorney general and a Republican, is not against the injunction but wants it to be deferred until the Supreme Court decides on the case. An attorney for the gay couples, however, said on Tuesday that “justice delayed is justice denied.”

During the arguments, the lawyer seeking injunction compared anti-gay marriage supporters to George Wallace who was standing on schoolhouse steps to keep integration of black students at the University of Alabama in 1963.

A ruling in favor of gay marriage, without a stay, would allow clerks statewide to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, the Associated Press notes.

Voters from Colorado approved the same-sex marriage ban in 2006 but through several court filings and lawsuits, gay rights advocates are hoping the law to soon be strucked down.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act last year, more than 20 courts have issued decisions in favor of gay marriage. Based on sentiment, it is expected that more states will follow and issue rulings that will favor gay marriage.

The latest map shown here on the progress of U.S. states on same-sex marriage was last updated July 17, 2014 by the organization Freedom to Marry.

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