Los Angeles Lakers Roster: Kobe To Lin: "We Have A Lot Of Work To Do", Is This The Best Backcourt Duo In The NBA Today?

Now that the Los Angeles Lakers roster is complete, it is worth noting whether this team has what it takes to win more than 45 games. 

The team's alpha dog, Kobe Bryant is coming back from a torn Achilles tendon, and Laker fans will surely be expecting a lot from him. 

However, we don't expect 35-year-old Bryant to continue dropping 30 points a game, especially with his previous injuries. Steve Nash could have been the best playmaker he ever had in his career two seasons ago, but he sat out for most of the season due to injuries. 

But now, it looks like Bryant will be given a second chance to finally get a healthy and young backcourt partner.

During this year's off-season, the Los Angeles Lakers agreed to take Jeremy Lin's final contract from the Houston Rockets, together with a first round draft pick for next year. While some think this is just a move to boost a Laker market that will most likely bet on Lin's performance, rather than the team's chances of winning, it could in fact be their best move this off-season. 

And as for Jeremy Lin, he said in an interview that he and Bryant have been sending text messages to one another. But this is the one statement that stuck:

"The one thing he told me is we have a lot of work to do and I think that's 100 percent accurate", Lin said to reporters when he was formally announced as a Laker. 

The 25-year-old playmaker is quick to respond to the challenge.

"As long as we come in with that mindset of really having to work and earn everything, I think we'll be okay." 

Both Bryant and Lin have something to prove this upcoming season, and those reasons will certainly motivate them in doing what they love to do - play basketball. For Bryant, he will want to prove that he still got enough left in his tank to win a sixth championship. 

On the other hand, in his new role in a new Lakers team, Lin will need to prove that he is indeed fit as a starting point guard and capable playmaker. 

It will be fun to watch these two once they manage to blend their playing skills, and hopefully it will translate to wins for Los Angeles.

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los angeles lakers
kobe bryant
Jeremy Lin
