Kingdom Hearts 2.5 PS4 Release Date Worries? HD Remix & Limited Edition Updates [NEWS]

Square Enix has yet to announce a Playstation 4 version of Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix, fueling concerns among a number of gamers that the PS4 version's release date will be delayed even further.

A new Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix trailer has been shared, showing some new features including areas, items and cut scenes, RPG Fan reports.

Developers at Square Enix are expected to release a KingdomHearts 2.5 HD Remix trailer at the PAX Prime conference in Seattle in September, bringing some gamers to believe that they may also disclose a release date.

Square Enix has yet to announce an official release date for the successor game to Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HDRemix-it is expected to be one of the PlayStation 4's (PS4) most popular games, when developers finish next-generation production.

Gamers have already posted videos on YouTube of leaked content incorporated in the upcoming game.

According to Kotaku, the trailer includes limited edition remixed versions of Kingdom Hearts 2 and Birth by Sleep.

Square Enix is expected to release more 2.5 HD Remix release date footage at the PAX Prime conference.

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