Peyton Manning's Papa Johns Franchises Get Boost In Sales; Denver Broncos Quarterback Attributes It To Legalization Of Pot In The State

NFL player Peyton Manning said Papa Johns owes its recent hike up in sales to Colorado's legalization of pot.

Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning's Papa Johns franchise stores reporteedly claimed the recent boom for his stores to the legalization of marijuana.

In an interview with Sports Illustrated magazine's Peter King, Manning was asked whether or not he exercises his right to suffrage. Manning answered the question by saying that he looks into what a legislator or politician has contributed. The answer hinted on the link between the law and his business.

"I have voted ever since I've been eligible to vote," said Manning. "It's not a simple process when you go in there. There's always a little more that goes along with it."

"You try to know who you're voting for," he explained. "You try to get to know them. I've gotten to know some of the folks here in Colorado. There's something different [about] laws out here in Colorado. Pizza business is pretty good out here, believe it or not, due to some recent law changes. So when you come to a different place, you've kind of got to learn everything that comes with it."

Apart from the political question, Manning was also asked about his career plans.

"If [I was asked] when I first came here to Denver, I probably would have said if I could get two more years then that would probably be good.," Manning said. "But I feel a lot better than I thought I would. The regeneration [of the nerver controlling my arm strength] has been slow but steady - kind of like they said."

Manning was also asked if he likes having to spend a day in public with nobody recognizing him. "If you can make an impact when you're wearing the hat, I enjoy doing that," he said. "At the same time, I certainly enjoy the quiet moments, when it's just with my family or... I saw my high school tight end."

And perhaps the NFL star likes to spend time in his stores, too.

Peyton Manning's Papa Johns franchises total to 21 in the Denver area. One store reportedly gained 25% in sales in 2013, a year after the legalization of marijuana in the state. 

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Papa Johns
