Bravo RHONJ Dull AGAIN! [VIDEO] BORING As Teresa Giudice Thinks She Deserves A Mansion, Dina Melissa And Twins On Dull Vaca, Amber Gets Expected News & Jacqueline Returns To RHONJ WHY?

Bravo RHONJ Dull Again! Um Could this RHONJ episode be any more dull? Wow, this show has gone down the pooper as I'm getting more and more frustrated with the lame characters and non interesting storylines each as each episode airs on Bravo and I find myself not looking forward to it the way I used to. If next week is dull again, I'm just quitting the show altogether. Housewives getting Jacqueline Laurita to return is the lamest attempt to gain ratings. Jac's botoxed and filled face is as real as the scripted drama about Santagate in Florida. Who cares about this rumor whether it is true or not? Who cares what Reno did while he was separated from Nicole? I am so not invested in these new RHONJ characters that the rumors are just not juicy and I find them boring.

Now if the rumor was about Joe Giudice or even Joe Gorga, maybe I'd tune in. But the newbies of RHONJ mean nothing to me because Nicole and Teresa are cliches of Jersey girls, they are whiny, and they have nothing about them that is interesting. I cannot believe that Teresa Giudice has the audacity in this episode to look for another mansion while she pleaded guilty to fraud and owes the government over $13 million. And she even looks down on $1.4 million homes. Where does she get off? Can't wait till her miniature forehead and huge mouth get thrown in jail! She is delusional and calling herself a 'businesswomen' on Real Housewives of New Jersey, over at over, does not make you a businesswoman.

Teresa sounds completely insane but I'd take her insanity over Dina's draining voice every week on RHONJ. Dina is as entertaining as a dishtowel and this episode was no different for her, She's getting more dull with each Housewives episode, right? Why did Bravo bring her back? Which reminds me of Jacqueline Laurita and why Bravo brought back the most annoying character. Jacs is a whiny, dull woman with no storyline except her son having autism {which is not entertaining}, Amber receives the shocking news that she's fine (who was hanging onto their seat for that info), and Melissa and the twins have to show off their bathing suits even though they never actually swim. Real Housewives of New Jersey has gotten so unbearable. I have to hit my hand to stop it from pressing fast forward on my DVR.

What did you think of RHONJ this week?

Debbie wrote: This show is such a train wreck..Teresa is now businesswoman?  Joe is telling her to get out there and hustle...what a scum....Joe Gorga talks to his wife like she is a hooker, Dina brings nothing, the twins and Amber are a mess, Rino is I don't even have words for him...Jim and Bobby are beyond boring.

Jacquline has no definition in her face at all - she is one swollen botex filler mess.... But I keep watching it.

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