Miss America Kicked Out Of Sorority For Hazing? MissAmerica Organization Maintains: 'She's An Exceptional Ambassador For Us'

It has only been a couple of weeks since Kira Kazantsev was crowned Miss America, but issues start to plauge the New York native.

Fox News reported that Miss America was kicked out of her college sorority at Hofstra University in 2013 because of serious hazing.

According to an in-depth report by Jezebel, they ran a story about Kazantsev and a friend being kicked out of the Alpha Phi (Theta Mu) in April 2013.

During that time, Kazantsev was reportedly the head of recruitment of the sorority and pledges were allegedly given a harsh treatment in order to get in - from tasks that were difficult to accomplish to being called names.

The news did not sit well with the public. One commenter said "I can't believe that she's the best America has to offer..."

Despite all the controversy, the MissAmerica Organization maintained that Kazantsev was the right choice for the title. In a statement, a spokesperson for the organization said:

"Kira has been fully transparent with the Miss America Organization about her termination from the Alpha Phi sorority. It's unfortunate that this incident has been exploited to create a storyline that distracts from what we should be focusing on: Kira's impressive academic achievements at Hofstra University, including earning a triple major from the Honors College and her commitment to serving her community. Kira is an exceptional ambassador for the Miss America Organization, and we are excited to be a part of her journey as a force for good across our nation, promoting education and service and working to empower young women."

Kazantsev has triple majored at Hofstra University in political science, geography and global studies.

Apart from the hazing issue, Kazantsev also received mixed reactions when the information about her internship for Planned Parenthood came out.

Miss America Kira Kazantsev has answered the issues thrown at her via a blog post at kirakazantsev.com, in which she said: "I'm learning as I go, and I hope to do my best to represent the organization and the title to the best of my abilities. "

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Miss America 2015
Miss America 2015 Kira Kazantsev
