Singer Se7en Shows His Support for The Korean Olympic Athletes with a Cute Message

Singer Se7en recently showed his support for the Korean Olympic athletes with a message.

Se7en, on July 20th through his Twitter wrote, "Olympic gold medal in archery after 7 wins!! #7 Kim Bo Kyung... Ah it looks like Se7enGal will be crazy today. But it's a good crazy, so I welcome it", bringing laughter.

He continued, "No wait, 7 wins, #7 Kim Bo Kyung, #7 Swiss soccer player, I understand all of these. But why #17? Poor Se7enGal. It looks like it'll be a long day. Se7enGal fighting!", showing concern for his fans.

Se7en's reference to 'Se7enGal' refers to an online fan community on DC Inside, where Se7en fans post anything that happens in the news related to the number seven. Therefore, fans went wild posting about the 7 consecutive wins, and athletes #7 and #17 on the site, making Se7en concerned for his fans, as he shows through his Twitter.

In related news, for the 2012 London Olympics, archers Lee Sung Jin, Choi Hyun Joo, and Kim Bo Bae recently earned 7 consecutive wins and won themselves gold medals.

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