2AM Changmin's Ascetic Lifestyle, "I Slept at 11:30PM Yesterday"

Musical stars Nam Kyung Joo, Jung Sung Hwa, Lee Min Ho, and 2AM Changmin guest starred on Wednesday episode of MBC "Radio Star." 

In this episode Changmin expressed, "I'm still living the ascetic way." When MCs continued to ask him, he replied, " Yesterday I slept at 11:30 per usual."

When he guest starred with his fellow members, they had revealed, "For the past three years Changmin has never slept past 12. He doesn't watch any porn. He's a clean guy." 

In response to Changmin MC Yoon Jong Shin commented, "That's enough. If you don't have a dating scandal by next time you will be prohibited from our show for the next year." Everyone laughed.

Photo Credit: MBC

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