Joe Giudice Gets 3.5 Years In Prison! Find Out WHat Judge Told RHONJ COuple And How Much Money He And Teresa Must Pay Back To Government

(Photo : Instagram)

It's official. After months of the couple worrying about their fate on RHONJ, Joe Giudice has been given 3.5 years in federal prison by U.S. District Court Judge Esther Salas in a Newark courtroom. Joe, who is an Italian citizen could be deported after his long prison term. Terea's fate was also doled out later in the afternoon. Teresa was given 15 months in jail and her term will begin on January 5th 2015. Joe will stay with the children until Teresa gets released and then he starts his term.

Before Joe Giudice was sentenced, he read a message to Judge Salas saying, "I stand here humiliated before the court and my family and society," he said. "I disgraced many people, including my wife and four daughters. I take full responsibility for my actions. I promise to be a better person."

Teresa Giudice's sentence was given hours later, after Teresa begged the judge for mercy. But judge Salas was determed to serve the reality star justice and make an example of the couple. The RHONJ couple pleaded guilty to multiple counts of fraud, stealing over $4 million from hard working taxpayers. The judge was furious with Joe and Teresa.

She said there was "inconsistencies and omissions" in the financial disclosure forms filed by the couple and the inconsistencies make it "hard for her me be lenient. They had an obligation to be transparent and candid and open with the court and I don't think I got that," Judge Salas said. "I want to understand the disconnect," she scolded.

The judge said that the duo must pay $414,588.90 in restitution fees, with Joe Giudice facing $7,500 to $75,000 in fines, and Teresa looking at fines of $5,000 to $50,000. As for the children, Teresa said that if both her adn Joe recieve time in prison, the kids would have to be split up. That stinks, but do the crime, pay the time.

Doesn't it feel like Christmas morning? Sometimes judgment is served.

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