Stephen King ‘The Stand’ Movie Underway, Author Says ‘Don’t Count On It Being One Film’ And Praises Script By ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ Director Josh Boone

Since the "Harry Potter" and "Lord of the Rings" franchises, breaking a film up into multiple installments with one source material has become a go to method for large novel adaptations. The latest book rumored to get this treatment is Stephen King's "The Stand," which is being developed by "The Fault in Our Stars" director Josh Boone. Stephen King himself is endorsing the adaptation and warning audiences that it may be broken into multiple films when finally completed.

Stephen King recently shared some information on the upcoming film adaptations of his "Dark Tower" series and "The Stand" with MTV (via Joblo). Specifically, he had nothing but praises for director Josh Boone, and revealed a possible spoiler about the format that the film will take:

"I think that his take is terrific - and don't count on it being one film. There's talk about doing it in an entirely different and innovative way, and I don't want to go into it because that's Josh's baby," he said.

Being praised by Stephen King probably has to be music to Josh Boone's ears, and probably adds to the high he might be on after the successful release of "The Fault in Our Stars." Screenrant reports that Boone admitted a few weeks back that he intends for the film to be Rated-R and perhaps three hours long, but no one will know for sure until production starts. It would appear that King still has plenty of faith in Boone, even after the mixed reviews of "Stuck in Love."

"The Stand," which was adapted into a television series prior to this most recently announced film project, follows the post-apocalyptic journeys of two groups of surviving humans after a terrible disease outbreak. One of the groups is lead by Randall Flagg, an evil being with supernatural powers that is also a recurring character in many other works by Stephen King.

No release date or casting has been officially confirmed, but if this early information about the epic scale of "The Stand" movie is any indication, high profile actors may soon be in talks for roles. 

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Stephen King
Stephen King new movies
the stand movie
josh boone
The Fault In Our Stars
