‘Star Trek 3’ Release Date Could Happen Earlier? William Shatner And Leonard Nimoy To Have An Onscreen Reunion For The First Time In 23 Years?

Star Trek 3 release date may be earlier than expected?

Following news that Roberto Orci is done with the first draft of the movie's plot, Mr. Spock himself, played by Zachary Quinto, revealed to Cinema Blend that the production may start in six months time.

"I think it's on the horizon. Things are rumbling, so I have a feeling that we will be in production sometime in the next six months."

It is supposedly scheduled for release on the series' 50th anniversary on 2016.

Furthermore, news about featuring William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy sparked, however the Star Trek veteran quickly denied the rumors taking to Twitter saying:

"Let's talk ST. I don't know anything about the current gossip. Nobody has contacted me. Right now it's just rhetoric to cause hype."

Director and writer Roberto Orci, on the other hand, played coy about the rumors telling TrekMovie,

"Not in my interest to confirm or deny anything because it limits my options while maintaining my integrity as a truth teller. The movie is not the movie till it is in theater. Until then, everything is a rumor."

But according to a report of Denof Geek, Abrams did contact Shatner and the actor himself admitted saying that Abrams did talk to him saying, "I'm calling because the director of Star Trek, the next movie, has had an idea where you might be involved, so I'm calling to find out whether you would be interested."

To which, he responded at Wizard World Nashville event, "It depends on what you do with the character, but I would be delighted."

He also admitted that, "I would love to do it", but hesitated saying, "how do you get me fifty years later into the movie? I mean how do you rationalise it. I know it's science fiction, but even I couldn't come up with an idea. So that's the news on that".

Star Trek 3 release date is scheduled two years from now but, details about the film is very much shrouded in secrecy.

How about you Kpopstarz readers, do you think it's a good idea to bring William Shatner And Leonard Nimoy back for the latest installment of "Star Trek?" Sound off in the comments section below.

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