‘Fantastic Four’ Reboot Plot Spoilers: Sue Storm Is Adopted! Super Powers Come From Another Dimension In More ‘Scientific’ Version Of Comic’s First Family!

The "Fantastic Four" reboot movie has the challenge of trying to distinguish the film from the two-film series last decade. A brand new-origin and a big twist between the characters may do the trick.

A report from scoop website Schmoes Know has the details on how writer Simon Kinberg and director Josh Trank plan to resolve some of the film's biggest issues.

"Well, we have heard from our source that it is actually Mara's Sue Storm who is adopted in the film, with her and Michael B. Jordan's parents being African American! (So it's still basically what we have all assumed about their relationship, only the film has flipped it around.) We have also heard that instead of the group gaining their powers from a failed scientific mission in outer space like in the original comics and (awful) existing films, this time the group's origin story will be much more like their Ultimate versions.

In the film, the team will gain their powers through a lab experiment gone wrong in a way, where they create a portal to another world or dimension (its not clear) and they get their powers after the exposure to this other dimension/planet. Much like how the group gets their powers in the Ultimate Fantastic Four comics, after they are engulfed in a failed teleporter experiment."

The origin story is culled almost exactly as the origin from the Ultimate Fantastic Four. Instead of radiation from outer space (which seems so 60s now) the powers come from Reed Richards tinkering with what is called the Negative Zone (but the terminology may change in the movie).

Another change was brought up by Cinema Blend. They mention that the new version will try to be more 'scientific' and 'character-driven.' There probably won't be a Galactus appearance in the film, nor its sequel.

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Fantastic Four Reboot Plot Spoilers
