The Visual Content Grading Committee Killing K-Pop?

K-Pop is facing yet another hurdle but however this obstacle does not come from the outside but rather from the inside. 

The Visual Contents Grading Committee are implementing a rule that they will grade all music videos that are posted on the internet, starting on the 18th. And the music industry is up in arms about this untimely ruling. Why would a Korean committee make a rule that doesn't help K-Pop but rather hinders it?

The target to these rules are all music-related visual contents that are available to the larger public on any sort of communciations medium and any music videos provided by an online music service provider. 

The point that the music industry really is angry about is that they will be analyzing all K-POP content that is being released on global websites like YouTube or SNS websites. The criteria on which the Committee bases its decisions of grades have been finicky which has been a cause for conflict with the movie industry already. The Committee is essentially adding a 14-day delay from anything and everything to teasers and real music videos as well. 

Music management companies said, "Foreign music artists are able to freely express anything and post anything on YouTube but it's incredibly unfair in terms of competition for Korean artists if only their movies will be criticized and graded according to a set of rules." For world-wide stars like Girls Generation or Big Bang are reaching out to their international fans through SNS websites.

One industry insider said, "If the committee will also grade Lady GaGa and other foreign artists before they post anything on SNS websites, we won't say a word."

This is critical for the smaller management companies that don't get as much airtime as groups from powerful management companies like SM/YG/JYP and must carry out their fanbase operations over the internet. One management company head, who is preparing a newbie girl group said, "For the companies with smaller budgets, a grading system of music videos will be a huge hindrance to newbies and making new artists. Not only will they be controling the internet in a way, but they would also be limiting freedom of expression."

There is criticism that the problem was started from inside the music industry. In the 2000s, every singer's new song or music video was promoted with very explicit material online. The music industry replied, "The truly problematic ones have had to face legal consequences as a result. Because of one or two black sheep, they shouldn't punish the whole industry and pose a huge obstacle for the growth of K-Pop worldwide."

The Committee says that it won't actually take the full 2 weeks but will be done in 5 to 7 days. They said they aren't trying to filter content but will provide appropriate ratings to videos just like movies do. 

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