Hong Jin Young, Picture With BTS In The Waiting Room 'Glamorous Body'

Singer Hong Jin Young revealed a picture with the idol group BTS.

On November 9, Hong Jin Young posted on her Instagram, "With BTS boys in the waiting room. These kids are so nice and polite. Their song is so so good! I remember someone commented last time saying, 'Please take a picture with BTS' so here it is" along with a picture.

In the picture, BTS members are in bright stage outfits, surrounding Hong Jin Young and all making different psoes. Hong Jin Young is in the middle, making Vs with her fingers and showing off her glamorous body in the tight stage outfit she is wearing.

Internet users who saw this commented, "You have such a nice body," "I'm so jealous," etc.

Hong Jin Young is currently actively promoting her new song "Cheer Up." 

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