Park Sae Young Turns Into Moonlit Goddess in 'VOGUE Girl'... "Is She Human Or a Doll?"

Park Sae Young, rising in popularity through KBS 2TV "School 2013A," turned into a mysterious moonlit CEgoddess.

With the concept of 'Moon Place,' Park Sae Young turned into a mysterious girl who had just woken up from a sleep under the moon light. She wore a creamy colored dress and showed off her doll-like beauty. In the revealed photo shoot picture, Park Sae Young seems to be concentrated on something, and is revealing a little bit of her shoulder line and her big, round eyes.

Park Sae Young's agency 4HIM Entertainment representative said, "The mysterious concept that is not very easy to pull off was perfectly shown by Park Sae Young, who even took it a level higher. She was able to show various emotions and atmospheres depending on her makeup and outfit, from sexy to mysterious, so many photo shoot representatives are sending her love calls."

Photo Credit: VOGUE Girl

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