IU's Pants Size Is Revealed To Be 33 And a Half "Fans Are Worried"

Singer IU's 33 and a half size was proven.

Recently in an online community forum, a picture was posted under 'IU's real body.'

In the picture, IU has her long hair down with no makeup on. She is wearing a white shirt, a black cardigan, and green skinny jeans.

IU, who was known to be a size 33.5, proved it through her thin body. Her skinny body compared to the average man next to her brought shock to many who saw it.

Internet users commented, "She should gain just a little bit, she's too skinny," "I think celebrities need to be that skinny to come out pretty on the camera," "She used to be chubbier, how did she lose so much?"

Photo Credit: Online Community

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