Was Psy's Gangnam Style Commercial A Bad Idea? Fans Weigh in On Twitter [VIDEO]

Psy made an appearance during the Super Bowl 2013 ad cycle. The Korean rapper was featured in a Wonderful Pistachios commercial where he showed a bunch of nuts how to dance "Gangnam Style." While many found the 30 second spot amusing, other took to twitter to express how "stupid" they found the commercial. Was Psy's "Gangnam Style" commercial a bad idea? Fans weigh in on Twitter.

"Pistachios, we love you, but that PSY ad is one of the craziest/worst things we've ever seen," one user posted on Twitter.

"man, i had so much respect for psy before that pistachio commercial," another fan wrote.

"I'm amazed that someone spent four million dollars for 30 seconds of Psy dancing with pistachios."

"Aaaaand that commercial is why I hate Psy"

"Belated congratulations to the earth for not having Psy be the halftime performer."

Re-live Psy's Super Bowl 2013 commercial below!

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Gangnam Style
