O.J. Simpson Party for Super Bowl in Nevada's Jail; Deemed 'Godfather of the prison,' Inmates Claim

Sunday's night Super Bowl is the ultimate party celebrated throughout the country, however many are surprised to hear O.J. Simpson to have joined in the celebration.

Simpson currently serving his 33-year sentence for kidnapping and armed robbery at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Nevada was reported to have held a Super Bowl party in his cell, according to the New York Post.

The party included a dozen or so prison buddies squeezed in his 80-square-foot cell to watch the game on his television.

"If you have the money, you can buy a TV at the inmate store and put it in your cell," Simpson's friend, Norman Pardo, told the Post. "There was no shortage of potential guests because he's so popular. He's like the Godfather of the prison now."

Apparently prisoners are allowed to buy televisions at the inmate store if they have the money, which Simpson did.

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