Leaked Wal-Mart E-Mails Show Disastrous Sales For The Month Of February: 'Sales Are A Total Disaster' Raves VP

Leaked Emails by Wal-Mart corporate executives revealed Wal-Mart's bad financial standing and disastrous sales record in the month of February. These leaked emails led to a drop in the retailer's shares on Friday, Feb. 15.

The state of panic started after emails from Cameron Geiger, Wal-Mart's Senior Vice President revealed rough sales in February.

Geiger allegedly wrote, "Have you ever had one of those weeks where your best- prepared plans weren't good enough to accomplish everything you set out to do? Well, we just had one of those weeks here at Walmart U.S. Where are all the customers? And where's their money?"

On Feb. 12, Jerry Murray, Wal-Mart's Vice President of finance and logistics, allegedly responded, "In case you haven't seen a sales report these days, February [month-to-date] sales are a total disaster. The worst start to a month I have seen in my [roughly] seven years with the company."

The executives blamed the low sales on the 2% hike in payroll taxes and a tax return delay. 

These leaked emails have added to Wal-Mart's deteriorating finances, and caused shares to fall 2.2% at the end of last week.

Wal-Mart attempted to minimize the email's fallout by releasing a statement claiming the emails don't accurately reflect the company's financial standing.

The company's statement read, "As with any organization, we often see internal communications that are not entirely accurate, that lack the proper context and represent individual opinions."

Wal-Mart has previously been an accurate predictor of larger financial trends. According to CNBC, other major retailers, such as Macy's, Family Dollar, Dollar General and Target, are expected to drop in stock as well.  

Soon-to-be-due fourth quarter earnings will allow stockholders to better understand the true financial situation of the Wal-Mart Company.  

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