Tim Tebow Cancels Speech at Controversial Church 'Due to Information Brought to My Attention' Tebow Says

Tim Tebow cancels his speech set to take place at the controversial First Baptist Church of Dallas in April, which the church claims he was pressured to do so.

 "While I was looking forward to sharing a message of hope and Christ's unconditional love with the faithful members of the historic First Baptist Church of Dallas in April, due to new information that has been brought to my attention, I have decided to cancel my upcoming appearance," Tebow tweeted this morning.

The new information that may have been brought to the attention of Tebow was about the reverend of that specific church, Rev. Jeffress. The reverend was quoted as saying, "70 percent of the gay population has AIDS." He described Judaism, Islam and Mormonism as religions from the "pit of hell."

A rep for the church told TMZ that Rev. Jeffress was "misrepresented by his past comments."  "We are saddened that Mr. Tebow felt pressured to back out of his long-plan commitment from numerous New York and national sport and news media. Dr. Jeffress shares a message of hope, not hate."

Tebow didn't specify exactly why he wouldn't be attending, but added to his previous tweet. "I will continue to use the platform God has blessed me with to bring Faith, Hope and Love to all those needing a brighter day. Thank you for all of your love and support. God Bless!"

According to the church, Tebow told Rev. Jeffress that he'd still like to come speak at First Baptist Dallas sometime in the future.

Tebow doesn't want to ruin an image of his that has captivated many around the world. Being paired next to the reverend with these comments might not look good on the good-boy image of Tim Tebow.  

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