Seth MacFarlene 2013 Oscar Intro Has Family Guy Feel

Seth MacFarlane off to Family Guy kind of start while hosting the 2013 Oscars.

The creator of Family Guy, not known for staring roles in movies is off to a noticeable start to the Oscars. 

He started by saying, "It's an honor that everybody else said no."

Seth conversed with his hero, William Shatner, who played Captain Kirk of Star Trek. Based in the future, he know the outcome of the Oscars. 

The reviews for Seth were not good. Seth left Sally Field. He was hanging from the ceiling mocking one her movies. Flying Nuns. After both agreed that Anne Hathaway would win best actress, they two started kissing. They left and it went downhill from there.

Field was the actually winner of the award, but Captain Kirk said she wasn't there to accept the award. 

Captain Kirk said, "why can't Tina and Amy host everything." 

The night got better as Seth would fix the situation. Channing Tatum and Charlie Theron danced with Seth singing in the background. This was after his "We Saw Your Boobs" performance. He had help from an all-gay choir.

He mentions Halle Berry and many others. 

Other stars joined Seth on stage with more dancing.

There's still plenty of time left for Seth to make more of a mark on the Oscars 2013. 

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Seth McFarlane
