Jodi Arias Alleged Of Coded Messaging To A Witness In Murder Trial [REPORT]

The Jodi Arias murder-trial continues with the possibility of coded messages to a witness.

Arias is on trial for the murder of her husband in 2008.

Sex, murder, kinkiness and more have already been discussed during this eight-week trial.  This trial only got kinkier after the allegations towards Arias.

While in jail, Arias was visited weekly by her friend, Ann Campbell. Campbell has supported Arias since the murder in 2008.

The magazines intercepted by the guards were Digital Photo Pro and Star. The issue of Star has Casey Anthony on the cover. Anthony was found not-guilty on the murder of her own child.  

It was in these magazines that prosecutors believe Arias was messaging Campbell through code. The prosecutors said the numbers 43 40 56 20 37 54 were written lightly in pencil. This indicated the page numbers in Digital Photo Pro for Campbell to put together and read.

When put together, the entire message read, "You f***ed up what you told my attorney the next day / directly contradicts what I've been saying for over a year / get down here ASAP and see me before you talk to them again and before / you testify so / we can fix this / interview was excellent! Must talk ASAP!"

The prosecutors believe it was Aria's ex-boyfriend Matthew McCartney that the magazine was intended to be delivered to by Campbell.

 It was a few weeks after the prosecution interviewed McCartney and four days before a pre-trial hearing. The prosecutors believe McCartney was supposed to be delivered that message from the magazine.

The intended recipient of the message remains unclear. However, based on court documents, the magazines were intercepted just a few weeks after the prosecution interviewed Arias' ex-boyfriend, Matthew McCartney, and just four days before a pre-trial hearing.

"You tried to get someone to lie at that hearing, didn't you?" Martinez asked Arias on the stand. "No," she replied.

The defendants made claims that the man murdered, Travis Alexander, was sexually attracted to young boys. They said Alexander was making abusive demands and growing threats of violence toward Arias. She claims she was forced to kill him by self-defense.

The prosecution is hoping to convince the jury that the testimony about pedophilia is just another one of Arias' lies throughout this process. Arias has lied about where she was during the murder and that a maked-couple invaded their home and killed her husband.

Prosecutors will continue their cross-examination today in Phoenix.  

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