Seth MacFarlane Says 'No Way' To Hosting Oscars Again

Seth MacFarlane the Family Guy creator and rookie Oscars host tweeted this morning that he would not host the Oscars again.

"No way. Lotta fun to have done it, though," he said in a tweet when asked about a second run at hosting the Oscars.

Hosting the Oscars has to be the toughest gig in Hollywood.  Nobody can ever agree on how good or bad the host was.

Some like Billy Crystal go down in Oscar history as a beloved host. While others like James Franco and Anne Hathaway can be filed under the "could have done with out it" category.

Macfarlane's Twitter followers gave positive feedback, telling the host:

"Best Oscars of my lifetime," and "You were great...fabulous."

Roberto Blanco from USA Today said, "Give this to MacFarlane: He threw everything he had at it."

Not everyone was so taken with MacFarlane's performance, "Uh-oh. Seth MacFarlane opens the show with a lame joke. No one laughs," said Nikki Finke from Deadline.

So if Seth MacFarlane is not going to host the Oscars again, then who will?

Names like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler have been thrown into the mix, as well as another SNL alum Jimmy Fallon.

One name does spring to mind and he would turn the 2014 Oscars into an instant hit, Dave Grohl.

The front man for the Foo Fighters already showed he has what it takes to host a show when he took over for a week on Chelsea Lately.

The sexy rocker was charming and funny and proved he should have a show of his own, so why not give him a chance at the Oscars?  Honesty who wouldn't love to see Foo Fighters rocking out on stage next to Meryl Streep? 

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Seth McFarlane
Oscars 2013
