Jodi Arias Murder Trial Update; Cross Examined And What Was Said [REPORT]

The trial for the murder case against Jodi Arias continued when she was cross-examined by the prosecutors.

Prosecutor Juan Martinez said, "Arias often appeared aloof, confused, or gave terse answers."

Martinez was struck on the belief that Arias has been lying and continues to life throughout this trial.

Arias answered no to Martinez question of whether or not she remembers what happened during the killing of her husband, Travis Alexander. Arias went on to say that only God would support her claims of not remembering everything that happened during that murder.

She said she was the only witness on the scene, but can't remember everything that took place.

Trying to capitalize on this point, Martinez would follow those answers with a statement and question.

"God's not here. We can't subpoena him," Martinez said. "You truly believe that you didn't do anything wrong here?"

Arias wouldn't oblige to Martinez questioning.

"I believe that I knew that I was not guilty of first-degree murder, and I did plan to be dead," Arias said.

She followed by reiterating that she planned to commit suicide. Martinez didn't like that answer because Arias has stated it multiple times.

Arias said she did try to commit suicide by taking Advil pills and attempting to cut her wrist. She said she had to stop because the cutting stung too much.

"You stopped cutting yourself because it 'stung. Can you imagine how much it must have hurt Mr. Alexander when you stuck that knife into his chest?" Martinez asked.

In 2008, Arias interviewed with "48 Hours." She said Travis' family deserved to know what happened during the murder. Martinez played the clip for the courtroom yesterday.

"They did deserve to know what happened, but did they deserve that lie?" Martinez asked.

"I guess not," Arias replied.

This is another step in a trial that is getting a lot of media attention.

If convicted, Arias could face the death penalty. 

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