NBA Fight Finds Way Into Crowd; Not Quite Malice At The Palace [VIDEO]

NBA fight during game finds its way into the crowd.

With six minutes left in the fourth quarter, a fight broke out between the Indiana Pacers and the Golden State Warriors.

Not quite the "The Malice in the Palace," but the scuffle moved its way into the Indiana crowd at the Bankers Life Fieldhouse.

David Lee of the Warriors and Roy Hibbert of the Pacers were giving each other some extra bang when the two made contact. It reached the point where the two would run at each other after the whistle.

Other players joined the fray and a lot of pushing and shoving mounted.

Golden State Point Guard Stephen Curry jumped in at Hibbert, who stands at 7'2" tall compared to Curry at 6'3" in length and 100 pounds less. Hibbert threw Curry to the ground with ease as Curry tried to aggressively grab Hibbert away from Lee.

"Seriously, I didn't even feel him," Hibbert said to the Associated Press. "I saw some light-skinned guy. I don't know if it was Klay Thompson or Steph Curry, I just knew there was a light-skinned guy by me."

Curry got back up and right into Hibbert again, who shoved Curry back to the ground once more. Help aided Hibbert also as both teams players on the floor were sticking up for each other.

"There were two or three guys coming after [Hibbert]," said West, who led the Pacers with 28 points. "We preach and talk about togetherness, so that's part of what we're going to do. We're going to defend one another. They came after him too many times."

The momentum of the fight made its way toward the crowd as the pushing continued. Coaches and officials would eventually break up the battle as some fans and security was knocked down to the ground from the momentum. Nobody appeared to be hurt or injured.

The game continued and Indiana ran away with the victory.

"It was just physical play," Curry said. "Teams are gearing up for playoff basketball and amping up the intensity a little bit."

The Pacers were involved in the Malice at the Palice over eight years ago. That fight saw the
Detroit Pistons and Pacers take their fight into the stands with the crowd.

Soda was tossed on then Pacer, Ron Artest, when a fight between the teams concluded, he lied across the scorer's table. A member of the Pistons' faithful at the Palace of Auburn Hills tossed a drink that landed right on Artest.

He immediately got up, went to the crowd and the fight was taken to another level. Fans were fighting players and some fans were even knocked out by the players.

Former Pacer, Jermaine O'Neal connected with a shot that took one fan right off of his feet.

This Warrior-Pacer fight saw Hibbert be ejected and four technical fouls.

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