Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 12; Deceased Made Her 'Feel Like A Prostitute'

What is now the twelfth day of the murder trial against Jodi Arias, sparks day three in the verbal war between Arias and the prosecutor.

Juan Martinez has been cross-examining Arias for the past three days. He has attempted to exploit her changes in the story of the murder of boyfriend, Travis Alexander.

Arias insisted Wednesday that she was telling the truth on the witness stand. She admitted to repeatedly lying to authorities, friends and family in the days after she killed her Alexander.

"So you're now telling the truth, right?" prosecutor Juan Martinez asked Arias.

The Washington Post says Martinez asked this, "almost sarcastically."

Arias simply replied, "yes."

If found guilty, Arias could potentially face the death penalty.

At one point Aria claimed to know nothing of Travis Alexander's death, only to later blame it on masked intruders before eventually settling on self-defense.

Washington Post reported that Arias claimed to be ashamed and frightened of the consequences to be truthful.

Alexander, she has said, was a cheating womanizer, an angry man with a violent temper who once choked her into unconsciousness. She said he was also a caring, loving boyfriend who bought her surprise gifts, took her on trips and loaned her his car.

Martinez continued to stay aggressive in convincing the jury that Arias is lying about the murder by exploiting her holes in her stories.

Arias previously spoke about their kinky sex lives and how Alexander made her feel like a prostitute.

The jurors heard phone recordings and text messages regarding the two's sex life.

 "So when you tell us you felt like a prostitute it seems to be contradictory?" Martinez asked Arias.

Arias said he is misunderstanding the context of the text messages and calls.

One of those messages was Arias telling Alexander, "You are amazing. Seriously, you made me feel like a goddess."

The Washington Post reported that at times, it was like a one-sided shouting match against Arias. She claimed that Martinez' screaming was causing her to forget important details.

The defense lawyers repeatedly objected to Martinez's aggressiveness, accusing him of badgering the witness, which lead to a private conference between attorneys.

Another day has gone by in the trial and not much has changed. Martinez continues to be aggressive in pointing out what Arias says that is wrong and Arias continues come up with reasons for everything that she has said or done.

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