Lindsay Lohan Skips Court Hearing Instead Heads to Club, Trial Date Set for Crash Case

Lindsay Lohan skips court hearing in Los Angeles courtroom on Friday morning instead stayed in New York City, where she was spotted clubbing at Bow Thursday night.

In the hearing the Judge James Dabney denied a motion filed earlier in the week by Lohan's attorney, Mark Heller. It was a request for his client's ongoing probation violation case to be put on the "slow truck" for her to pursue "certain activities which will benefit her."

Heller's motion for continuance of requesting the case to be moved to the first week of April as denied.

"I need to have good cause," Dabney said. "I see no reason to put the trial over. And we should keep the March 18 date."

Terry White, attorney for the city of Santa Monica stated they are prepared to begin this trial on March 18. White stated Heller had no "good cause to ask for a continuance."

The judge also denied to suppress evidence and to dismiss charges against Lohan that originated from a June car crash in which she is accused of lying to police that she wasn't behind the wheel.

Dabney pointed that Heller's motion to dismiss should have been filed at arraignment and not now.

"You have blown through these procedures and cannot raise them now," the judge told Heller.

Judge Dabney also sternly told Heller he either needs to get someone competent in California criminal procedure or "Miss Lohan is going to have to come in here and waive her right to have competent attorneys versed in California law and procedure."

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